September 11, 2023
You should benefit from your garden as much as possible because you invested so much time and money into making it successful. One unexpected way your herb garden can be put to use in your home is through your decor. A handcrafted wreath made from the herbs in your garden — or from a neighborhood market if you do not grow your own — can be woven into a beautiful wreath that greets guests at your front door. You can also hang it in your kitchen and use the herbs in your favorite recipes once they dry.
June 20, 2023
August 12, 2022
If you love to cook, chances are you’ve at least attempted to grow herbs in your garden before. These aromatic plants add a lot of flavor to dishes, bring herbal fragrance to the home, and may even have some medicinal properties. The other great thing about them is that they aren’t really all that difficult to grow. To get the best results, however, there are some special tricks to take advantage of, ensuring you get the most out of your herb garden.
May 11, 2022
August 15, 2021
As you can see, the religious community has been gathering for years to bless their plants and flowers on August 15th. The tradition of blessing herbs on this day is important for many reasons, but one of the most significant reasons is that it reminds us about God's love and care for all of us on earth and in the afterlife. The Assumption also serves as a reminder of Mary's leadership and guidance in our spiritual lives. She was the first to live by faith - something we should strive to do every day. When you celebrate today with your loved ones or alone, take time to give thanks for all the blessings you've received from God so far in your life because he loves each person dearly who walks his path here on Earth. If you need any flowers to participate in the celebration, please feel free to connect with us here. In honor of this day, I hope that everyone will spend time in nature to remember God's love and care for all of us.