March 21, 2022
In the U.P., it can be a challenge to believe that spring is right around the corner, especially with our record-breaking snowfalls this year. While you still may have to bundle up outside, there is no reason why you can’t start looking forward to the start of spring. The spring equinox is set to occur on Sunday, March 20th of this year. This event marks the astronomical first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the official start of the spring season.
What Is the Spring Equinox?
The spring equinox is when the Northern Hemisphere begins to tilt more towards the sun, resulting in an increase of daylight hours and warming temperatures in this hemisphere. Equinox translates to equal night. On this date, daytime and nighttime have similar, though not perfectly equal times. This is the moment where the sun enters an imaginary line that is only crossed twice a year, on the spring and autumn equinoxes.
Time to Think Spring
Spring is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year, especially for those of us who have experienced the true winter season of high snow piles and frigid temperatures. As spring draws closer, the snow melts, animals come out of hibernation, and plants and flowers can once again bloom. We still may have snow on the ground come this year’s equinox, but that doesn’t mean we have to wait to start enjoying the best aspects of spring.
When you think Spring, you think vibrant flowers. Spring is when the most beautiful flowers bloom, including:
Think Spring Today!
The spring equinox is the first clear sign that spring is coming, and with it comes longer, warmer days. Spring is the magical time of year when flowers bloom and nature comes alive again. While we may still have some winter left, it will soon be out the door. Celebrate the change of season this spring equinox with our tulip special. We are offering 10 stems for $10. At FlowerWorks, we can’t wait to ditch the snow and embrace the thaw. Visit us the day before to ensure you wake up to the smell of beautiful flowers in your home. Contact us to learn more.
February 09, 2025
Help make your loved one’s Valentine’s Day one to remember with the perfect bouquet of flowers. Check out Flower Works LLC to choose your Valentine’s arrangement.
January 28, 2025
The winter months bring on a season of rest for your outdoor plants, but it is also a season of rest for your indoor plants as well. Even though indoor plants do not have to experience cold temperatures, snow, and frost, the conditions for growing plants are still affected. This means you’ll need to make changes in caring for your greenery to keep it healthy without making these common mistakes.
January 13, 2025
Purchasing flowers for yourself can be just as healing as if you were giving them to a sick loved one. It’s nature’s way of providing you with a mood booster and helping you practice better self-care. To find the perfect flowers to boost your mood, check out Flower Works LLC.